左晶晶19 Mar 2014 Hongkong我老公 33岁,本科临床,工作大概8年了,目前是销售工作,500强公司中层,请问这样的情况是否可以申请新西兰移民 回复
Kelvin19 Mar 2014 Australia您好博主,我现在是澳洲pr,同时我也在相关网站查询得知au pr可以随意进出nz且享受nz福利待遇。由于我本人不能坐澳洲移民监,所以想请教老师我现在持有效au pr入境nz后是否是nz 的pr?如果是的话可不可以在nz待满2年后直接换取nz的永久回头签?网上信息很少,故向您请教,真的非常感谢! 回复
吴玉秀18 Mar 2014 China妻子:31岁,2005年6月江西师范大学人力资源管理专业本科学士学位毕业,一直从事本专业工作近9年,刚考出雅思成绩6.5分(听力6.5 阅读7.0 写作5.5 口语6.0);丈夫:34岁,2003年8月南昌大学土木工程专业“本科无学士学位”毕业,一直从事本专业工作近11年,雅思4.5分。我的电话18016417687 回复
bear17 Mar 2014 China请教大家一个NZQA的翻译问题:
1. The translator must certify that the translation is a correct translation;
2. All translations of original language documents, including notarised documents, must be certified by an official of the issuing translation service
这里的certify是什么意思啊?怎么才算certified了呢?我的翻译件现在有翻译公司的抬头和公章,还需要怎么样才算certify呢? 回复
Sally16 Mar 2014 China您好,我自查了新西兰技术移民打分系统之后,为了获得绝对紧缺行业额外加分,我老公需要作为主申请人,方向:233913/生物医学工程师,需要取得新西兰'特许专业工程师'注册资格,老公的研究生专业是微生物学,本科是实验室医学,不知道注册成功的可能性有多大?目前老公从事市场部产品方面的工作。谢谢 回复
Robin15 Mar 2014 China你好。请问在“快速指南”那一页上的“留学移民申请路线”下面那些文章怎么都打不开。没有链接。很想拜读。 回复
小祥15 Mar 2014 China请问在新西兰测量师是怎样注册的?是否要通过新西兰哪边的职业考试才可以注册?另外是否一定要注册后才能申请技术移民?希望K兄帮忙了解下!谢谢 回复
lily27 Feb 2014 ChinaJack Liu, 非常感谢您的博文分享。我现在ITA,单位在职证明和job description 是需要提供中文的还是英文的。可以提供中文的并请相关机构翻译吗? 另,他们会和单位联系吗?谢谢!LILY
2楼eskimo(15 Mar 2014, New Zealand)1 一定是要英文的 当然你同时提供中英文的就更没问题了
2 有可能会@TA
Victoria13 Mar 2014 China目前SMC job search visa的资讯很少,包括NZ官网都查不到什么,但offshore的十有八九是拿这种签证;请教下大神,找哪种job offer被认可?比如:1、申请时有短缺职业加分的话,一定要与这项职业相关?这个相关性由谁来提供证明?雇主?2、年薪是否有要求?我看到貌似要5万NZD以上?3、为何很多新西兰本地公司不愿意做担保转PR?4、转PR时貌似需要工作满3个月?5、工作性质必须是permanent吗?6、找job时,公司是否需要出具找不到本地人的声明?7、转PR时是跟给visa的国内brach联系呢还是在国外直接找总部联系?8、移民局如何认可该工作?需要公司老板出具什么证明?9、NZ本地公司是否会对这种员工有任何就业歧视?非常感谢答复,越详细越好。
2楼KL4(14 Mar 2014, New Zealand)1、申请时有短缺职业加分的话,一定要与这项职业相关?这个相关性由谁来提供证明?雇主?
- In the application guidance, INZ will resume to process and finalise your application once you have secured a role that meets the requirements of skilled employment, so it doesn't seem you are restricted from hunting a job that is not fully aligned with the occupation you have claimed points from. In reality, however, with the absence of relevant educational background and work experience, you are very unlikely to get an offer which can meet the requirements of "skilled employment". You are the one who will be accountable for providing evidence but apparently you can ask for some help from the employer.
- 45k per annum at the minimum but it should also be aligned with the market value depending on the role you secure and the duties you undertake. For instance, 45k p.a. is no doubt underrated if you claim to have got an ICT manager's role.
- Understandably, the integrity issue such as dishonesty and cheats.
- You can inform INZ once you have secured the role, but your immigration officer is entitled to a reasonable deferral in processing your case.
- It must be ongoing and sustainalbe. Please refer the application guide for more details.
- This should not be on your plate.
- You have to inform your case officer of the status update.
- No idea.
- No, at least to my knowledge.@TA
David Ker13 Mar 2014 China您好!搜索并关注您的博客有段日子了!您写的攻略真不错!!而且非常感谢您的分享,谢谢!!
我最近很迷茫,我意图留学新西兰学软件工程本科(现在虽然24周岁了),但考虑到好像澳大利亚发展比较好,想读完后移民澳大利亚,不知道你能对这个计划的可行性有什么想法没有?谢谢!如果能提提在新西兰这个专业的就业就再好不过了!谢谢!您是权威而且靠谱的人,我相信你! 回复
Bin11 Mar 2014 United States你好,我想咨询一下,如果offshore申请获得了SMC job search visa,登陆后一定要找申请时填的skilled employment吗?(比如是用internal auditor的工作经历申请并有紧缺职业等加分的)。还是找到任何skilled employment的工作(而不一定是internal auditor)都可以?多谢!
2楼KL4(12 Mar 2014, New Zealand)你好,我想咨询一下,如果offshore申请获得了SMC job search visa,登陆后一定要找申请时填的skilled employment吗?(比如是用internal auditor的工作经历申请并有紧缺职业等加分的)。
- Yes, you must secure a role that meets the requirements of skilled employment.
还是找到任何skilled employment的工作(而不一定是internal auditor)都可以?
- I can't find the answer in more details. In the application guidance, INZ will resume to process and finalise your application once you have secured a role that meets the requirements of skilled employment, so it doesn't seem you are restricted from hunting a job that is not fully aligned with the occupation you have claimed points from. In reality, however, with the absence of relevant educational background and work experience, you are very unlikely to get an offer which can meet the requirements of "skilled employment".@TA
lionheartsun09 Mar 2014 China请问,我的本科是数学,研究生是计算机,职业也是软件开发,申请了ICT软件开发作为长期紧缺职业claim了分数,但是移民官打回说:
The LTSSL clearly states the specific level (7, 8, 9), type (Bachelor, MA, PhD) and major of the qualification which is required under each occupation.
It is noted nowhere on the LTSSL or in our instructions does it indicate that a qualification that is a higher level or type can be substituted.
I can confirm that a PhD in an ICT major would not meet the requirements of an ICT Professional.
移民局的网站上是这样写的:Bachelor degree (Level 7) specialising in Information Technology (Computer Science, Information Systems or other Information Technology)* OR Bachelor degree (Level 7) specialising in Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Technology* AND a minimum of three years’ relevant post-qualification work experience.
2楼King(09 Mar 2014, China)也就是说相关专业的学士学位是必须的,如果没有的话即使您有博士学位也不符合条件,兄弟可能要想办法弄一个ICT类的学士学位。@TA
3楼lionheartsun(09 Mar 2014, China)谢King兄,所以说真是不make sense啊,难道有个master还不能比学士更证明在这个方向的资质么...@TA
4楼King(09 Mar 2014, China)不用客气,规定就是这样没办法,兄弟可以考虑通过成人高考花两年的时间再弄个相关专业的成人学士学位。@TA
5楼KL4(10 Mar 2014, New Zealand)说真是不make sense啊,难道有个master还不能比学士更证明在这个方向的资质么...
- I'm sorry to say that it does make sense in the NZQA educational hierachy. You may challenge why a lower degree is not replaceable with a higher one, while in some western countries, it is unacceptable that someone who claims to hold the master degree has not gained sufficient credits in his/her undergraduate stage, and unfortunately (to you), NZ is one of them. Your master's degree is not recognised in meeting the requirements defined in LTSSL unless you can prove you have gained sufficient "relevant" credits during your undergraduate study, which means your bachelor's degree is relevant and compatable to your computer-related master's degree.@TA
4,除了在这里留言,还有其他方式可以联系到你吗?可以告诉我你的邮箱吗?谢谢你! 回复
希望专家耐心解答,辛苦喽,将来去NZ请您吃饭喽 回复
1. The translator must certify that the translation is a correct translation;
2. All translations of original language documents, including notarised documents, must be certified by an official of the issuing translation service
这里的certify是什么意思啊?怎么才算certified了呢?我的翻译件现在有翻译公司的抬头和公章,还需要怎么样才算certify呢? 回复
我最近很迷茫,我意图留学新西兰学软件工程本科(现在虽然24周岁了),但考虑到好像澳大利亚发展比较好,想读完后移民澳大利亚,不知道你能对这个计划的可行性有什么想法没有?谢谢!如果能提提在新西兰这个专业的就业就再好不过了!谢谢!您是权威而且靠谱的人,我相信你! 回复
对比了几个移民国家 决定向新西兰冲锋! 回复
2.现在offshore 申请的成功概率有多大,大概要等多久,我用EOI测评分数在150以上 回复
我目前在运营一个微信公众号,发布内容都是新西兰相关的。 不知你是否有兴趣合作?
期待你的回复! 回复
The LTSSL clearly states the specific level (7, 8, 9), type (Bachelor, MA, PhD) and major of the qualification which is required under each occupation.
It is noted nowhere on the LTSSL or in our instructions does it indicate that a qualification that is a higher level or type can be substituted.
I can confirm that a PhD in an ICT major would not meet the requirements of an ICT Professional.
移民局的网站上是这样写的:Bachelor degree (Level 7) specialising in Information Technology (Computer Science, Information Systems or other Information Technology)* OR Bachelor degree (Level 7) specialising in Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Technology* AND a minimum of three years’ relevant post-qualification work experience.
请问我该怎么办?谢谢! 回复